
What is a Pilsner Beer?

If there is one thing that the popularity of craft beers have led to it is variety. A variety of craft beers. A variety of craft brewers. A variety of different types of beers. Not so much with the variety of questions, though. The questions usually start with “what is…” One question frequently asked is, “What is a Pilsner?”

As we completed an article about beers with tequila, a comment popped up about pilsner beers, so here we are.

The Scoop on Pilsner Beers

Pilsners are a type of beer. Shocking revelation, eh? Specifically, pilsner is a type of lager.

Businesspeople toasting beer glasses at outdoor restaurantLager, by the way, is a type of beer that is matured for anywhere from a couple weeks to several years at a low temperature. Although lagers may be any color from rather pale to quite dark.

Pilsners are probably the most popular style of beer the world over. Most of the beers most people drink are pilsners. Beers like Pabst Blue Ribbon, Coors, and other very familiar big brewery beers are a type of pilsner. Pilsners are usually light colored. They are known to have a fairly strong flavor of hops along with floral and spicy flavors. Pilsners are a very clean and refreshing style of beer.

Touch of History

Pilsner is traditionally a bottom-fermenting beer (as opposed to top-fermenting ales) originally brewed in the city of Pilsen in 1842. At that time, Pilsen was part of the Austrian Empire. Now, Pilsen is within the borders of the Czech Republic. Pilsner Urquell was the first one to be brewed and it is still available today.

Pilsners, also referred to as Pilseners or Pils, are sometimes called “Blonde Lagers” or “Light Lagers”. They are a more medium bodied beer with high carbonation and a kind of bitter finish to them. Pilsner malt is usually combined with Noble hopes to produce this light-colored, refreshing beer. The pilsners of today have a moderate alcohol content which is usually around 4.5% to 5%.

So, all Pilsners are Lagers, but not all Lagers are Pilsners!
Pilsners, also referred to as Pilseners or Pils, are sometimes called “Blonde Lagers” or “Light Lagers”. They are a more medium bodied beer with high carbonation and a kind of bitter finish to them. Pilsner malt is usually combined with Noble hopes to produce this light colored, refreshing beer. The pilsners of today have a moderate alcohol content which is usually around 4.5% to 5%.

So, all Pilsners are Lagers, but not all Lagers are Pilsners!

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