Let's face it, the trend is heading towards tequila bars. The days of finding a bar just serving whiskey and bourbon are far behind us, yet the amount of bars focusing on serving fine tequilas seems to be growing with each passing day.
No disrespect to Bar 1200, a place I visit every time I'm in Los Angeles, or any other of the great whiskey bars out there across the globe. Tequila is the new whiskey, and it's spreading like wildfire.
Whether you live in New York, Portland, Miami, or Topeka, you've certainly seen a bar that centers its entire focus around tequila.
Best Tequila Bars in the World
This is my personal list of the best places I've ever sipped tequila. Of course, your mileage may vary, and I can't possibly visit every tequila bar in the world. (Or can I?)
This list will be a work in progress and I'll judge on characteristics such as selection of tequilas, ambience, food menu, and price. I try to throw price out the window because I'm never one to turn down a good time because it's got a heavy price tag. However, I'll also say that as a huge fan of dive bars, anywhere I can get a good deal on tequila, I'm more prone to promoting places that offer specials versus places that simply try to get rich off your experience!
I'll also touch on some of the most memorable tequila drinks I've consumed. There are many of new tequila infused drinks that are worth highlighting, and every time I make it to a new craft cocktail bar, I'm seeing new creations featuring tequilas and mezcal popping up. (I'm a sucker for craft cocktails.)
At the end of the day, I aim to highlight places where I've enjoyed this fine spirit with family, friends, and even strangers. Opinions are all my own unless otherwise noted, and of course, your mileage may vary. Please leave comment about any bar review I post, and be sure to recommend places for me to go as I travel. In some cases, if a place absolutely blows me away, I'll most likely write a full review of the destination as well. If you own or manage a bar featuring tequila, and want some press, please contact me here and we'll arrange a visit.
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